Working Hard
for the
Working People

A Message from Micah
“I’m seeking election to the State Assembly for the 90th District of Wisconsin. I want to represent the unique people of Green Bay because I understand the challenges we are facing. I want to bring representation to a class of people that politics has forgotten about, the hard working people of Green Bay.”
About Micah
Born and raised in Northeastern Wisconsin on a dairy farm as the son of a paper mill worker, I learned hard work, sacrifice and the importance of family. After graduating high school, I served in the U.S. Army, stationed in Georgia. After my service ended, I moved back to Green Bay where I attended NWTC for Industrial Mechanics. I then worked in many different factories on many different shifts, and these experiences helped me develop my work ethic and understanding for the need of a healthy working class. As a father of 2 and a husband, I’m now looking to represent the hard working people of Green Bay as a hard working person in Green Bay.

Our children and their education should be our number one priority. Given our current political environment and the severe divisiveness it creates, now more than ever we need to take measures that’ll protect our children from politics in the classroom. Our personal political beliefs should be formed from our own research and families guidance at an appropriate age, not in the classrooms- period. Just as we keep religion out of the classrooms, politics should be left at the door.I believe our schools are here as a public service to educate not indoctrinate.
Putting Wisconsin Families First
Health & Welfare of Our Community
The biggest issues facing our police force and other first responders are not enough training and lack of mental health resources on top of a very demanding schedule. My plan to address these issues begins with reasonable and productive funding increases to increase our current number of police officers and other first responders. These increases would allow for additional functional training, healthier schedules and a focus on mental health for our first responders; which will allow them to lead the way in how they serve our communities and enhance their relationships with the public for an overall healthier and safer community. Investing in those who protect our community is investing in our community itself.
Growing Our Economy
Too many times we have seen corporate welfare not benefit the working class, even in our own district. Protecting and keeping jobs in our district should be everyone’s priority to ensure our district, community, and families are able to prosper. Attracting new businesses and promoting growth of small businesses within our district is essential to growing our economy. Supporting legislation that encourages this would be a top priority for me when elected to represent you.
No Soldier Left Behind, Period.
We need to increase our commitment to our veterans who are here in Wisconsin. Allowing veterans more flexibility with their GI bills, we can increase the amount of our veterans getting civilian career training and education. The state can also increase their commitment to our veterans by filling in the gaps where the VA and federal government are falling short, we need to take care of our own here at home. The essential services that we all take for granted such as dental, and vision are not covered by the VA even if you’re disabled from your service. We need to bridge the gap so our Veterans are not limited to relying on a system that’s too big and lets too many fall through the cracks. Our commitment to our Veterans needs to match the commitment we have to our most vulnerable citizens here in Northeast Wisconsin.